Are you wasting 80% of your working week making just 20% of your profits?

Are you wasting 80% of your working week making just 20% of your profits?

Almost every business owner we know despairs at the sheer number of demands on their time. They complain about the lack of hours in the day; time simply slipping through their grasp. So why would any business owner in their right-mind waste 80% of their working week, generating just 20% of their profits?

The Key Points - Budget 2016


The Key Points - Budget 2016

One of the  main themes of the Chancellor’s March 2016 Budget was to ensure that the next generation inherits a strong economy, is better educated, and grow up fit and healthy. Find out whether you got a sweet-deal, or are the cracks in the sugar-coated economy beginning to show.


HMRC are out of control.

HMRC are out of control.

For the professional he cannot explain what is happening, he cannot explain what needs to be done, and how many hours work it will take, he cannot second guess what law will be changed next, what new interpretations the courts will come up with to assist HMRC.

Four ways to grow your business.

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Four ways to grow your business.

Most business owners know what ‘increasing leads’ entails yet this tends to fall apart upon questioning how these leads are being maintained, categorised and followed-up. Surely we can do more with the resources we already have.

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Foster Mann Launches its Tuesday Club


Foster Mann Launches its Tuesday Club

Starting from the strong foundation of knowledge and experience our senior staff have picked up over the years, we will devise a structure and program that is based on issues important to you. Today, I am incredibly pleased to announce a series of seminar events, taking place on the first Tuesday of every month. This is the accounting of now and this is our “Tuesday Club”.
